Hebrew University Buddy Program | International Office

Hebrew University Buddy Program





HUB (Hebrew University Buddy program) is a chance to befriend Israeli students from Hebrew University, with the goal to provide all international students a greater opportunity to participate in the local Israeli student experience. After interviewing the most promising candidates, OSL selected 22 Israeli students for the HUB program based on their English level, attitude, and willingness to commit. HUB offers invaluable opportunities to bond with not only Israeli students but also other people from all around the world and to construct a global network. Furthermore, with various activities planned throughout the semester, there will be more than enough chances to get to know Israeli students, their culture, and their social life.


Each Israeli buddy partners with a group of 4-5 international students. The program begins on orientation day with a ‘meet-up’ between the Israelis and the international students. The buddies keep in touch with their students through a WhatsApp group, attend monthly OSL events and advertise various activities to their groups. The Israeli students are also encouraged to invite their group to spend time together in Jerusalem.


Maayan Dahan (HUB coordinator):          

The program offers a rare opportunity to meet with people all around the world for more than just academic purposes but also activities, tours, and countless chances to create memories and make new friends


A few words from our students:

  • 肖恩花 Shawn Hua:

At first, I joined the program because it was a way to get more exposure to Israel and Israelis. As a foreign student you naturally connect with other international students, and I think we have a great opportunity to meet and communicate with the locals and experience the Israeli life from up close.

The HUB program is a bridge between cultures and my personal Buddy (Israeli friend) is very informative and enjoys spending time and sharing his knowledge with us. Also, my group consist of one German, one Turkish-American, one Korean, one Chinese (me) and Michael, our Israeli Buddy and because most of us are studying Hebrew, we not only exchange cultures but also practice our Hebrew with Michael.

One experience I enjoyed was the evening in Zion Square (Jerusalem city-center) where we got food and shared interesting and different views.


  • 魏周亚 Zhouya Wei (Nonprofit Management and Leadership):

Because of the different cultures and living habits, I encountered many difficulties as an international student. Once I heard about the HUB program organized by the Office of Student Life, I signed up immediately, hoping to meet people from different backgrounds and deepen my understanding of Israel.

This program is a new and meaningful journey for me. Not only because of the fun activities organized by the International Student Office but also because of the care and help I felt from different friends here.

The most rewarding part of participating in this program is that it allowed me to see different people and cultures with an open mind. We have different cultural backgrounds, but we listen to each other and support each other.