Intra-CREATE (Singapore) 2021 Call for Programmes in “Science of Sustainable Cities”

14 September, 2021

Final submission date: Thursday, March 24, 2022,  at 17:00 (fund time)
Fund: The Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise
 Original Call for Proposal |  Fund Website



The first theme at CREATE for programme selection in RIE2025 is the “Science of Sustainable Cities”, for research that will provide the tools, technologies and perspectives to consider how cities can work better and evolve to be more sustainable, liveable and resilient.

Proposals should address the function and design of cities as a whole or choose to focus on constituent subsystems in the context of an urban whole. Proposals can also contribute to frameworks for conceptual understanding, planning and design, scientific assessment, and/or benchmarking.
Proposals should address the function and design of cities as a whole or choose to focus on constituent subsystems in the context of an urban whole. Proposals can also contribute to frameworks for conceptual understanding, planning and design, scientific assessment, and/or benchmarking.

Please refer to Annex A for more information on the scope and research focus of this call.


 Funding Details


Funding period: a 5-year period
Eligibility requirements: Please note that there is a residency requirement: Lead PIs will have to commit to spend 20% of the duration of the project in Singapore.
Possible collaboration: Proposals that are multi-institutional are welcome. Proposals can also include experts from institutions not currently at CREATE where appropriate.


 Submission Guidelines


Grant awards will be selected through a two-stage process:

  • Whitepapers should be prepared using the template provided and be submitted in pdf format to SHARE, via email to :, by Thursday, 24 MARCH 2022, 5pm (Singapore Standard Time).
  • Submission of full proposals will be by invitation only, following the CREATE SAB shortlisting process in mid-2022.

Contact at Fund

Idit Segal

Shlomo Sasson